137. ( Log Out / The charter promised to protect the rights of the nobility from the interference of the crown. The laws are scattered across many documents thus making it very difficult to interpret an unwritten constitution. 3. Its been foundering and being refloated for some time now …. … and, dare I say it, in the same way some married men feel threatened by their spouse’s progress … and vice-versa too? Also see: Characteristics of a good constitution. And we can have an elected New Zealander as our head of state (an impossibility currently), which may not tickle your fancy- but it tickles mine. A written constitution is more complex than an unwritten constitution because many law are contained in it. And there is an inherent strain of thinking among Western Europeans (and I may be showing my bigotry here, but my country was on the receiving end of a particularly blinkered arrogance on the part of our neighbours) – that no-one else – especially no cheeky darkies, or fuzzie wuzzies, or ‘asians’- could possibly have anything material to add to the accepted gospel truth, that the old Brittania was the very best, and what we’ve got now is because of a particularly wise and benevolent form of legal and hyper-developed evolution based on the ‘Constitutional’ Monarchy, the ‘constitution’ of Common Law, the Parliamentary Conventions etc, not to mention of course the old favourite of putting Capital Letters at the start of things to make them sound like someone cleverer than you thought them through. They are not expressly covered by the constitution’s text. Really? I thought I would do a bit of racial profiling of the local barfoots office and blow me down with a feather what did I find. “The costs of defence at the various trials had ruined the community financially as it had to sell stock and land to meet the debt. The failure of the acting kings to live up to the ideals of sovereignty led to the revolt and settlement of the Magna Carta. Human rights are not mentioned in the Bill of Rights 1689. One element at the very core of Constitutionalism in Aotearoa New Zealand is nicely captured by Chris Trotter in his introduction to ‘No Left Turn’, May 2007 –, “While the successors of those [Pakeha] who came to these shores in search of power and wealth remain locked in bitter conflict with those who came in search of equality and justice, nothing of enduring worth can be constructed in this country.”, This European “bitter conflict” impacted hard on hapu iwi indigenous culture, with Te Tiriti o Waitangi at the centre of a battle not so much about the best interests of aboriginal peoples, but between ‘privatised’ colonisation a la Edward Gibbon Wakefield and the NZ Company; and the Crown’s colonial annexation by ‘voluntary’ cession of sovereignty …, Resistance to a new written Constitution might be seen as still operating along these very same ‘battle lines’ 180 years later? Yes but isn’t it a kind of meaningless differentiation? For more articles and exam-related preparation materials, refer to the links given in the table below: Your email address will not be published. Anything else is quickly labelled with untold negativity, propagated by irrelevant nasty, vicious name calling – “Maori genocide” [using pakeha muskets] and “daughter slaughter” – your Rightie friends Brash, Moon and Duff ascribe to this obscene profanity – this EVIL – summoning forth age-old racial discrimination, culturally embedded race-based politics and separatism … It’s the altar of their church …. British Common Law devised and refined human rights somewhat earlier than the unhappy advent of the loony Left of modern times. I think it’s important to distinguish between the “full spectrum dominance” approach of empire and the common law as a system of ethics. 4. 3. There is also a sense that in order for that relationship to be put on a sound footing, something has to change.”. While a written constitution has a preamble or introduction that expresses the essence of the constitution, an unwritten constitution has not. I draw your attention to William Blackstone, Commentaries 1:119–23, 157, 237–38, 243–44 wherein he made no less than 22 references to the rights of the natural person. Why? Kindly check the video below for more differences between a written and and unwritten constitution: So far we have looked at the meaning, features and differences between a written and unwritten constitution. I mean …. And the same applies if some gang of Loony Lefties try to turn the whole place into a vegan pacifist marxist paradise- if our constitution protects a man’s right to be greedy and capitalist and entrepreneurial…. I’ve found much ‘philosophy’ to be so full of minute analysis & academic wankery as to be just not worth bothering with trying to grasp. A written constitution is contained in a single document while an unwritten constitution is not. I think we engaged very sensibly and mostly civilly and much came from it, despite the process being a Key Ruse … the Veritas and Gravitas of Vexillology being a very important KPI in nationhood, patriotic identification and sense of belonging …. Why would you have to ask, I ask myself? 2. That Constitution in which all its provisions are Systematically and serially arranged in Parts, Articles and Schedules is known as Written Constitution. Debate over whether New Zealand should establish a written constitution continues, with Hamilton lawyer Thomas Gibbons having a say in NZ Herald: Written constitution unwanted and unwarranted. Of that turnout, 47% of voters voted for the National Party. The property myself and my 20th generation tamahine were looking at, is this one. Piripi’s thesis was a good read, PZ. page. It is easier to amend since its mode of ammendment is not expressly provided in any particular law. Why do people believe in a non-existent Abrahamic God? An unwritten constitution adapts to a country’s changing socio political and economic situations more than a written constitution. Candidates can find the general pattern of the UPSC Exams by visiting the UPSC Syllabus page. The answer is quite obvious when the example of the invention of the Treaty Principles is used to insert racial discrimination into numerous laws and regulations and to manipulate property rights. 5. It will help you to understand their differences. I think it time for white NZ to open their minds a little to the reality of what they perceive as their rightful place on top of the podium of wonderful creatures, and imagine for a moment a better world, where different worldviews and paradigms of thinking rest easily as an amalgam upon which an improved system of democracy can exist. Or how about this … Let’s allow those with the courage and fortitude to tackle these difficult issues the space to do so … as Matike Mai has done … (Read it and feel the goodwill) … Let’s include genuinely equal hapu iwi [Maori] representation in a uniquely Aotearoa New Zealand government model … Let’s ‘inclusively’ become the nation we really are … ? 3. A constitution is said to be unwritten when the whole body of fundamental laws, customs, convictions, principles, rules and regulations according to which a particular government of a country operates are not written down or codified in a single document. Under its mandate WT inquired into claims made in its Te Paparahi o te Raki (the great land of the North) district inquiry and concluded rangatira did not cede sovereignty.
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