Olivia Riggio is a writer and journalist based in New York City and New Jersey. And some school boards have ruled that the issue is too politically charged to be taught. He now travels the world teaching about Indigenous philosophies. We offer a variety of ways to make your voice heard. “I want to go back to Mexico and visit you. Xiye Bastida Patrick. “That’s when everything came together about the global scale of climate disasters and how they really hit. But it is much deeper than that. So as we become more conscious, we are going to change our habits of living, and that is going to bring change as well. It belongs to all of us. e360: Despite a rash of media attention and record-breaking climate protests, the United Nations talks in September were largely considered a failure, with no new pledges from major emitters. “It’s too important,” she said. Part 3 of the TED Radio Hour episode Climate Mindset. He said that the media gets bored, and the media is one of the ways in which you can amplify your voice tremendously. Bastida Patrick: For me, that distinction is highlighted every day. “They all left knowing that whatever their passion was, they could do it through a climate lens and help the climate movement,”. “We don’t have to idealize climate activism because then people feel excluded,” she said. Our email newsletter shares the latest programs and initiatives. Oppose Seismic Oil Exploration in the Arctic. Her message is to unite behind the science. That’s what we’re working on next, how to make our direct actions creative so that it’s not always the same thing, but actually innovative and creative every step of the way. Solo pide que la protejamos”. I think that that speaks for itself. Originally raised in Mexico, Bastida spent her high school years in New York City, where she is known as a lead organizer for Fridays for Future. Millions of students joined marches, protests, and strikes in more than 185 countries in September, demanding that nations act quickly and aggressively to fight global warming. She and other youth activists with Re-Earth Initiative wrote an open letter to the governments of Latin America and the Caribbean. Private, centralized storage for spent nuclear fuel: A dead end or path forward? Bastida Patrick: We just had a summit where activists from over 25 states gathered, and we are all pushing our peers to vote for climate. There is nothing political about her. Heatwaves are here. In 2015, my town had experienced drought for two years. When Bastida began to learn about the climate and ecological crisis engulfing the planet, her family’s … The environmental costs of timber extraction and damming have reached a tipping point in the North Coast region of California. Bastida spoke at the World Urban Forum in 2017 when she was 15. Climate change and urban development have significantly altered ocean conditions and our ability to access the coast, making it more and more difficult for the Tongva tribe to carry on their long-held seafaring traditions. “I do this work because you showed me that resilience, love and knowledge are enough to make a difference,” she says. It’s always darkest before the dawn. Or take action immediately with one of our current campaigns below: The Audubon Bird Guide is a free and complete field guide to more than 800 species of North American birds, right in your pocket.
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