belligerently in a sentence

BELLIGERENTLY He is always very belligerent towards me. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Italian Dictionary. Mean people are not cool. * Examples:1.The cop belligerently waved the stick and looked at me as I was picking up his purse that fell on the road. What does belligerent mean? Created on September 5, 2012 Sign up now (it’s free!) in the manner of direct variation. (belligerently) with hostility; in a belligerent hostile manner; "he pushed her against the wall belligerently" (belligerence) aggressiveness: a natural disposition to be hostile (belligerency) belligerence: hostile or warlike attitude or nature The verb "think" is the predicate. This word is found on page 31 in the fourth paragraph. Quotes about bountiful . Belligerently definition and meaning | Collins English ... He is always very belligerent towards me. Break 'belligerently' down into sounds: [BUH] + [LIJ] + [UH] + [RUHNT] + [LEE] - say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. Therefore, Sentences A and C are related and Sentence A must come before Sentence C. Now look again. Cars zoomed helter - skelter , honking belligerently. Answer (1 of 3): It is certainly not to be taken literally; you made a good call on that. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. “I have all of my clothes custom-made,” Betsy said ( glowering / haughtily ). Example sentences of the word belligerently . Below are the sentences in which the vocabulary words appear in the text. You make more friends being nice than you do by being belligerent. retort. characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight. Tips for Using quiescent in a Sentence You may have an easier time writing sentences with quiescent if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence. *emotionally distant; removed. belligerent Sentence Examples. 13+1 sentence examples: 1. use "belligerent" in a sentence As Democrats in Congress spoke out against LBJ for Vietnam, he became more belligerent. Now Lennie retorted belligerently, “He ain’t neither. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. Affordable prices. 3. "Why not?" Read on to enjoy more! Go beyond correction. In the most simple clause, you have a subject made of one noun, and a predicate made of one verb: I think. And he had books, too; a tattered dictionary and a mauled copy of the California civil code for 1905. aloof. 3. The system found 2 answers for belligerently crossword clue. She likes to make people lose their cool by starting belligerent political arguments. These fiction and non-fiction creative writing prompts will help writers expand their imagination. Examples of Belligerence in a sentence. My brother was always belligerent and ready to fight. Today, U.S. District Judge Scott L. Palk sentenced Reeves to 120 months in prison, to … How to use “harass” in a sentence. 4. Calculate the price. The definition of belligerent is warlike or aggressive. 2021-11-05 11:20:01 –. “Give me your lunch money!” the bully demanded ( belligerently / submerged ). No synonyms were found for this word. The definition of Belligerently is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. 2 formal : fighting a war : engaged in a war belligerent nations/states. In the most simple clause, you have a subject made of one noun, and a predicate made of one verb: I think. The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Belligerently but also gives extensive definition in English language. I am never without a snappy retort or a clever move. * Examples:1.The cop belligerently waved the stick and looked at me as I was picking up his purse that fell on the road. Sentence Examples. ‘But she later changed tack, reverting to a belligerently confrontational stance.’. I glared at my parents, belligerently, after they took away my phone. *2.The wrestler belligerently punched his fists in the air … Sentence Examples As a manager he was belligerent , tyrannical, wisecracking, but always affectionate. ©2009 Secondary Solutions - 95 - Of Mice and Men Literature Guide Of Mice and Men Vocabulary with Definitions Chapter One Synonym Discussion of belligerent. belligerent, bellicose, pugnacious, quarrelsome, contentious mean having an aggressive or fighting attitude. belligerent often implies being actually at war or engaged in hostilities. An adverb is a word or an expression that modifies a verb, adjective, determiner, clause, preposition, or sentence. The origin of the phrase ‘a chip on your shoulder’ refers to a practice seen in America during the 19th century, in which boys spoiling for a fight would place an actual chip of wood on their shoulders before walking around belligerently daring others to knock the chip off. The teacher's monotonous voice soon put me to … How to use belligerently in a sentence. Orders every day. Defin.-Belligerent: inclined to or exhibiting assertiveness, hostility, or combativeness. belligerently. Belle: a young woman who is the most charming and beautiful of several rivals.. Download Now. Interesting fact about A Chip on Your Shoulder. Jerry Lewis retorts, launching into a polite yet polemical screed. Read the sentence. Now Lennie retorted belligerently, "He ain't neither. Seven were used by the Italian Co-Belligerent Air Force as transports. 31) The Word is BELLIGERENTLY. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Sentence example with the word 'belligerent' belligerent acrid, bickering, chauvinistic, divisive, foilsman, hostile, malicious, rancorous, scuffler, swordplayer, virulent Definition adj. Example sentences with "belligerently", translation memory add example en There were numerous media reports of a continued civilian presence in the south, and Israel’s own experience in past conflicts showed that not all civilians are willing or able to leave their homes according to the timetables of a belligerent military force. belligerently. He's nice to me." Lance in a sentence | Use of the word lance examples. distant, cold, or detached in manner. 4. (belligerently) with hostility; in a belligerent hostile manner; "he pushed her against the wall belligerently" (belligerence) aggressiveness: a natural disposition to be hostile (belligerency) belligerence: hostile or warlike attitude or nature (belligerency) hostilities: fighting; acts of overt warfare; "the outbreak of hostilities" (adverb) example of "monotonous" in a sentence. Adverb If your neighbor belligerently demands the property back, a court action may be your only hope of a resolution. minneapolis 3 weeks ago. Sentence from the book: Kristi drew herself up, her small shoulders stiff. Sentence C talks about “the cold, rich Humboldt Current” and Sentence D refers to “the Humboldt” obviously these two sentences are also related. Example sentences with the word belligerent. adverb. How to use belligerent in a sentence. Retort definition, to reply to, usually in a sharp or retaliatory way; reply in kind to. Learn more. UK English definition of BELLIGERENTLY along with additional meanings, example sentences, and ways to say. What does belligerently mean? Search over 14 million words and phrases in more than 490 language pairs. 5. Sentence Examples The Chartreux cat stared belligerently at Sam, yawned and began licking a black paw. She said Miss Ofuri was behaving belligerently and refused to allow her blood pressure to be taken. But she later changed tack, reverting to a belligerently confrontational stance. 2. How to use man-eating in a sentence. Adverb Exercises with Answers Q. The verb "think" is the predicate. sentence. No one likes a meanie. Find 36 ways to say BELLIGERENT, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Belligerent definition, warlike; given to waging war. He was almost back to his belligerent mood of twelve months ago. directly: [adverb] in a direct manner. Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of 'belligerently':. The European response brought some sharp retorts in Washington on Thursday. Synonyms for sniveled. belligerently synonyms, belligerently pronunciation, belligerently translation, English dictionary definition of belligerently. What does belligerent mean? Sentence example with the word ‘belligerent’. Harass , threaten, insult, or behave belligerently t A STRONG Word-NC- Cahpter 4 (pg. Sentence from the book: Kristi drew herself up, her small shoulders stiff. Iceland was invited to join Britain in the war as a belligerent and an ally. characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight Last update: September 8, 2018 Belligerent definition: A belligerent person is hostile and aggressive. 1. The troubled starlet described by one onlooker as 'belligerently drunk' apparently grabbed the wrist of a female fan who was attempting to get a … Belligerently: with hostility; in a belligerent hostile manner.. No synonyms were found for this word. Anubis sheltered me in his arms, and I sniveled like a little. Creative writing Read Can You Write An Essay Belligerently Drunk more>> Number of pages: Word count 275. Rory muttered belligerently about seeing no reason for not showing his wife her mothers flat. en A nonchalant or a diligent attitude, a positive or a negative attitude, a belligerent or a cooperative attitude, a complaining or a grateful attitude can strongly influence how a person deals with situations and how other people react to him. In a New Yorker cartoon from thirty years ago, a man turns to another in a bar and asks belligerently, "Hopefullywise?Did I understand you to … Dole left any retorts to his campaign spokesman, Nelson Warfield. This attitude is defiantly hip and belligerently contemporary. Lee's in a belligerent mood. pugnaciously. A clause is also a collection of words which has meaning, but it also has both a subject and a predicate. he asked belligerently. The belligerent countries are having difficulties funding the war. Such behaviour, which borders on belligerence in some cases, calls for a firm and united response on the part of the European Union. The word belligerently comes from the Latin belligerant meaning "waging war," which is in effect, what someone acting belligerently is doing. Halese was still acting belligerently but did tell the deputy where in the garage to find his 9mm and .45 caliber handguns. in the manner of someone eager to fight. 59+2 sentence examples: 1. She stood a short distance away and regarded Ma belligerently. 4. The Word is BELLIGERENTLY. in a sentence. All round the room-some at small tables, some at large tables -the worshipers sit, in their eyes that resolute, concentrated look which is the peculiar property of the British luncher, ex-President Roosevelt's man-eating fish, and the American army worm. Read more…. Lists. Watch out! Synonyms for sniveled. Finally, the protagonist appears, speaking earnestly into the camera. belligerently translate: in maniera belligerante. He said his sister had been shot with the 9mm. See belligerent. Sniveled in a sentence | sniveled example sentences. synonyms monotonous (adjective) tedious, dull, repetitive. Some women seem so voluptuous in every sense, richly bountiful and fertile with generous gifts of plenty, sensual and confident in their female strength that they are called "earth mothers. “harass” in a sentence. he asked belligerently. - Answers. in a sentence. Kenosha, Wisconsin-Witnesses said the first man shot dead by Kyle Rittenhouse on the streets of Kenosha acted “warlike” that night, but did not appear to pose a serious threat to anyone. ‘‘I never started explaining,’ Penelope pointed out belligerently.’. It helps you understand the word Belligerent with comprehensive detail, no other web page in our … 3 Discontent with the current government is strong. Examples of Belligerent in a sentence. The young boy ( dawdled / disdainfully ) behind his older sister as they walked to school. (about inherited traits) in a recessive manner, without outward expression due to a dominant trait inherited from the other parent (Genetics) recessively. In a fight it could be a communication of how aggressive or belligerent or … The system found 3 answers for battled belligerently crossword clue. 4. Belligerently meaning in Urdu is شریک جنگ and Belligerently word meaning in … Fill in the blanks with the correct form of adverbs in the brackets: The new boy in class swims _____ than I do. Can You Write An Essay Belligerently Drunk, Format Of Essay Common App, Essay On My Parents In Urdu, Erving Goffman Interaction Ritual Essays On Face To Face Behavi. Download Wordinn Dictionary for PC. Stars. Next of Belligerent. belligerently. Of, pertaining to, or engaged in warfare.

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belligerently in a sentence

belligerently in a sentence