We will never sell or misuse your information. It's such a delight to see the 'breath of God' still 'breathing' on people to clear away all the cobwebs, dust, and dirt that have accumulated over the years in our 'theology'. All the living things God made were made “according to its kind” or “according to their kind,” except for one—humanity. I want to clarify here in this article that the breath of God, while it brings the likeness of God, does not make anyone or anything else God. ... And, yes, we hear about it in the Pentecost account in Acts where the flames are accompanied by wind — the very Breath of God. 5:18) is the product of the out-breathing (exhalation) of God. It was experienced immediately among the first converts, and it is a constant manifestation of God’s breath in His Church, 2000 years later. Blow, Mighty breath of God The mission, passion and purpose of Ligonier Ministries is to proclaim the holiness of God Genesis 2 provides a closer look: “The LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature” (2:7, italics added). The Holy Spirit, the breath of God. (Rhymes with Bach). For permissions, view our Copyright Policy. And the effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever” (Isa. Holy Spirit, Breath of God… Holy Spirit, living Breath of God, Breathe new life into my willing soul. God’s breath is a giving of God’s life. As that breath, the best thing we can hope to do, and the one thing that will bring us the most satisfaction, joy, and fulfillment is to demonstrate and share the life of the one who breathed—God himself. 31:3). Jesus’s death was the atonement for the sins of His sheep. 'The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters'; the Spirit of God means Messiah. The Ligonier Ministries site requires Javascript, but you’ve got Javascript disabled. It’s as close to you as your very breath. The Bible has the power, through the work of the Holy Spirit, to both teach and demonstrate all the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. In five processes then — disclosing wisdom and truth to biblical authors, exhaling, canonizing, preserving, and translating — the Spirit exercises His Lordship in the formation of the Scriptures. Historically, at nine o’clock in the morning, the Spirit gave the disciples a clear understanding of Jesus’ role in redemption and consummation, equipping them with extraordinary boldness in making Jesus known. Consider these two passages from Scripture. Good writers differentiate themselves from bad writers by expressing their idea with clarity. The “man of dust” obtained life because God breathed into him. Think about that: Mighty Power. Bring the presence of the risen Lord To renew my heart and make me whole. Jesus hanging from the cross, bearing the sins of the world. "The breath of the Almighty gives me life." 35:30–35). A breath may be quiet, but it is also a sure sign of life. The word’s first use in the Bible appears in the second verse: “The Spirit of God [Ruach Elohim] was hovering over the waters” (Genesis 1:2).In Genesis 6:17 ruach is translated “breath of life.” Fallen humanity is to be transformed by the Spirit to a degree unknown under the old covenant. Notice that this receiving happens Spirit-to-spirit: We received the Spirit who comes from God so that we could know the things which God has freely given us. A breath is something soft, intimate. Jesus said to him, “Again it is written, ‘You shall not put the Lord … The action is a reminder of the opening sequence of Genesis: the Holy Spirit, the “breath of God,” is the agent of the “breath of life” (Gen 2:7; John 20:22). Jesus continues His ministry to His disciples by means of the Spirit as His personal, representative agent. (Midrash Genesis Rabbah 2; Leviticus Rabbah 14) At the other end of the Bible, the book of Revelation depicts the “seven spirits” that are “sent out into all the earth” (Rev. The Breath of Life – (Nashamah) that we inherit from our parents was never intended to give eternal life. 2 Comments. 2:20). After the resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples. Pentecost marked the major turning point from old to new covenantal administrations. It’s no longer something spooky, but it’s something very close to you. God's peace and blessings to you, brother. Fix that problem! It is He who guaranteed that a sure guide to heaven be given to the people of God. Jesus becomes, in Paul’s language, “a life-giving spirit” (1 Cor. Consider the creation of the world. Until that day, when “God will be all in all” (1 Cor. Spirit empowered disciples were thus motivated and enabled to take the message of reconciliation to the nations of the world in the certainty that God would accomplish that which He promised (Luke 24:48; Acts 1:4). Moses seems to revel in their concern for beauty and order. Here again we see the breath of God corresponding to the giving of the nature of God. Jesus’s death, and resurrection, purchased righteousness for His people. Move forward in time to the hill of Calvary. (Job 33:4) From the time of creation constant reference is made in Holy Writ to Messiah and the Messianic hope of Israel. The Holy Spirit, our advocate and guide, is the agent of change. This page is about the person of the Holy spirit. In the state of glory, as the Dutch biblical theologian Geerhardus Vos points out, the Holy Spirit will be “the permanent substratum of the resurrection-life.” The Spirit, who has served the Father and brought glory to the Son, will then be the One who sustains the eternal lives of the saints. Through prayer, we can ask the Holy Spirit to run our lives and take over. Passion for God’s Holy Name. As the divine artist, the Holy Spirit ensured the beauty of Eden as much as the rest of creation: “it was very good” (Gen. 1:31). Here’s a sampling of what we open ourselves to receive, as we inhale the Breath of God. Paul wrote that “all scripture is breathed out by God” (2 Timothy 3:16). They were discipled, they were disciplined. Although sometimes it is clear that one word is the better translation, for the most part these words are interchangeable, starting with the very… 12 thoughts on “The Holy Spirit – Breath of God” Stephen December 1, 2010 at 11:12 pm. Today's Message is part of our person and work of the Holy Spirit series and looks at how the Holy Spirit is the Breath of God. Suffice to say that the Holy Spirit lies behind every work of artistry. We see this most clearly in the lives of the Apostles.
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